Why I prefer Google AI rather Facebook API?
Even I defend strongly that Google needs to continue to focus and improve its search algorithm, maybe with less advertisements. I totally agree that in the last ~5 years Google has had a huge AI technology. The first time I used AI in a business environment for resolving corporate problems was with Dialogflow and that moment I was impressed how that solution is useful to integrate with legacy software.
After I spend a time studying and overview technologies from Google and Facebook for resolving Machine Learning and intelligence artificial now, I arrived a conclusion that Google still a big win!
Some features I found in the Google AI:
- Google documentation with versions and easy to read;
- Well tested;
- Good examples, integrating with Colab and running easier as well;
- Support Node.js and Python and other languages.
TensorFlow from Google Yes rather Llhama from Facebook Not at least for now!
It Is important to highlight this type of technology that can be deployed in any service, such as EC2 from AWS.
I’m going to write more about AI AWS technologies that arrived a little later, however it is another big win in 2024!
Thank you!
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